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Main route in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2024-03-29Updated:2024-03-29
Similar words: main routinemain roadmain rotorin rough watermountain rosein round figuresin round numbersen route
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1) We branched off the main route and went through the countryside.
2) Hand contact surfaces are also the main route of infection from the toilet.
3) There is a short diversion from the main route between Attlebridge and Lenwade at present.
4) From here you can continue along the main route as described above.
5) Turn left to continue on the main route.
6) First of all,[ route.html] the main route of the transfer of the virus is through sexual intercourse.
7) Raceme resolution is the main route for preparation of chiral compounds.
8) Professional safety education is the main route for training safety talents.
9) Eventually, he turned off the main route and suddenly did a U-turn.
10) Software reengineering is also a main route to construct reusable resource.
11) Shortens the route by some two miles though it involves going slightly higher than the main route.
12) It is pointed out that agricultural disposal is a main route in our agricultural country.
More similar words: main routinemain roadmain rotorin rough watermountain rosein round figuresin round numbersen routemigration routetransmission routemain computermainframe computerin rowsinroadroutine maintenanceerwin rommelmake inroads intofranklin rooseveltmaintainingmaintainermaintainedmaintainablemaintainabilitymaintainpresident franklin rooseveltturnroundturn roundturn-roundunroundedbaton rouge
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